Monday, May 29, 2017

Laguna Yal-Ku and More Relaxation in Akumal

This morning we went to Laguna Yal-ku, at the end of the road north of Akumal, just a few miles away, where we snorkeled for a couple of hours.  The head of the lagoon is fed by fresh water from underground.  The visibility there was great and continued to be fabulous as we swam along the rocky ledges and mangrove roots on the edges of the water where numerous fish delighted us.  As we made our way toward the sea, the intermixing of salt water with fresh water was evident by the way light was refracted beneath the surface.  The fresh water is also colder than the salt water coming in with the tides, so the water temperature rose as we swam through the labyrinth of islands in the dog-legged lagoon toward the ocean reefs.  Of course, in terms of fish, we saw many of the usual suspects as well as a spotted pufferfish.  Matthew also spotted a barracuda.  

Sherri snorkeling at Yal-ku
And that was the extent of our excursions today.  We hung out at the casita, walked on the beach, snorkeled here and read books.  Our vacation life is very slow-paced.  We went back to La Buena Vida for happy hour and dinner.  It's a great location by the water and I love digging my toes in the sand.  There was live music this evening and a small wedding on the beach.  There are a few small shops across the street, so we purchased a few items there for gifts.  

Matthew and Petre at La Buena Vida
Now, quite early (8:30 p.m.), we are relaxing in the casita for the night.  It is our last night here.  We leave at 1 p.m. from Akumal tomorrow, which gives us time for beach walks and snorkeling one more time.

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